Monday, June 28, 2010


today is a good day to remember!!

went out with jojo and kitty to fremantle today for lunch, which was awesome after not seeing each other for weeks due to my exams!! hehe.. miss them lots!! :)

then went out for dinner at cinnamon club with mary and other gals to celebrate the "hens party"? for mary. we had indian cuisine. then after dinner, we went to hits studio for karaoke session with all the guys (pakkai's bachelors night group). they're getting married on the 16th of july in bintulu. had a great time out with them and really thank God for guiding them through so many happy, sad and tough moments. may God continue to be with them and bless them abundantly :)

不过朋友,我永远祝福你!!! 一定要幸福~~!!! ^^

we've been frens since i came to perth 8 years ago. i really wish to make it to their wedding but...... sigh.. so sad that i can't make it :(

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!!

3 things that i want to point out for today:

1) i had my last paper for this sem this morning at 8.30am!!! --YES!

2) holiday starts right NOW!!! --YES!

3) i haven been sleeping for 33 hours alr @@" been staying up all night long to study. NOO!

Thank God for providing a study partner to study with me and also thank God for keeping me awake throughout the night and during the exam :)

i'm just hoping that my holiday wont be ruined by any bad results or any supp papers... pleaseeeeee??? pass all units and that's a MUST for this sem. fingers crossed :)


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trying My Best :)


因为最近都在忙着考试,读书占据了我每天生活的大部分时间。我快疯了!这可是我有史以来最用功的一次!没办法,因为我不能再“绯楼”了!因为那两科已经被去年不争气且懒惰又好玩的我给绯楼过一次了。如果这次不能过的话我就死定了!所以一定要过!可是真的很难也~ 有点担心!每天都在祷告,希望上帝一定一定要让我过!除了这样我也不知道要怎么办了。只能够好好读书,把其他的交给上面那位咯~ 唉~



...[ Do Your Best and God Will Do the Rest~~ :) ]...

突然想到这首歌:祷告- ........因为我渺小 因为我知道我需要.......

Thursday, June 10, 2010


这是一篇我无意间在朋友的blog里面发现的....觉得很有意思咯.....我们人有时候连鲨鱼都比不上,至少他还曾经认真努力地追求过想拥有的东西, 而我们很常却因为怕做不好怕被伤害而不敢去做....看着美好的人,事,物,渐渐从我们身边流失,错过,遗憾.... 好可悲..............看了就知道为什么了.....

曾有人做实验,将一只最凶猛的鲨鱼和一群热带鱼放在同一个 池,用强化玻璃隔开.最初,鲨鱼每天不断的冲撞那块看不到的 玻璃.

奈何只是徒劳,它始终不能到对面去,而实验人员每天都有放 一些鲫鱼在池里,所以鲨鱼没缺少猎物,只是仍想到对面去, 尝试那美味的滋味,每天仍是不断的冲撞那块看不到的玻 璃,它试了每个角落,每次都用尽全力, 但每次都伤痕累累,有几次都浑身破裂出血.持续了好一些日子.每当玻璃出现裂痕, 实验人员将立刻加上更厚的玻璃.

后来,鲨鱼不再冲撞那块玻璃了,对那些热带鱼一点也不在意, 好像当它们只是会动的壁纸,它开始等待着每天会固定出现的鲫 鱼,用敏捷的本能进行狩猎.

实验到最后一个阶段, 实验人员把玻璃拿走,但鲨鱼没反应,每天仍是在固定的区域游着,不但对那些热带鱼视若无睹,甚至于当那些鲫鱼逃到那边去,它就立刻放弃追逐,说什么也不愿意再过去,实验结束了.实验人员讥笑它是海里最懦弱的鱼.

可是失恋过的人都知道为什么.............因 为...........它....怕痛..........

Friday, June 4, 2010


Bye semester 1...
Hi Study week...
Hi Exams...
Bye Exams...

it's 12.24am now, so it's the friday of week 14, the last day of week 14, last day of the school weeks!! wheeee~~ say BYE to lectures, laboratories, tutorials...... although not forever but it's enough for me to relax myself. hehe..


before i can really say bye to everything and say hi to holidays, i've got to face the exams... T.T sighhh.. IT'S OKAY!!! 3 weeks will be over in just a blink of eye *blink blink* suffer for 3 weeks and enjoy for 4 weeks!! wooooo~ really no play play and MUST study real hard to achieve my goals!! serious issue here, no jokes, no regrets, no repeating. and i mean it. please remember to pray for me!! prayers work with actions and i strongly believe that :)

"Price will be paid when you give yourself away". So...... fellow students, let us all give ourselves away, study hard and study hard and study hard and put in ur best effort!! GOOD LUCK to you all~ may God grant all of us knowledge and good memory during these few weeks! and of course self discipline to study regularly :)

urgh.... HAPPY exams!! =___=

one month holiday!!! please be patient and wait for my arrival..... ^^