Tuesday, July 27, 2010

GOOOOD news!!!

YESSSSSS!!! i PASSED my supp!! woooo~ XD

at first i thought this supp would be a disaster and another failure of my life yet i've learned to be stronger and know how to let go and let God. i experienced the presence of God that He is really with me and giving me strength and that His will is always good, His work is unpredictable!! I felt so stressed and worried when i first know about my supp, i cried, i questioned, i despaired. After a good chat with pastor Li Sze, i realized that maybe the problem is with me, not God, not anyone else. maybe i didn't pray with a proper heart, i prayed because i want to pass and i'm "ordering" God to do so. i realized this problem and i started to reflect my own attitude when i'm praying to God. i prayed and prayed continually about it and those were the times that i learnt to come to God sincerely and whole heartedly, only when i am in deep sorrow and in desperate need of God's guidance. i could feel that God is with me after i've committed everything unto His hand. i'm not stressed at all and i actually studied for that paper light heartedly. God is with us all the time! Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you!!

Due to this supp paper, i've come to realize that i have alot of caring friends around me, giving me support and care! receiving calls and text messages giving me support during my exam preparation and before my exam. thank you guys so so much!!! i was really touched and felt so warm when i receive all those caring messages and calls. you guys are the best!!! and you know who you are!! *wink* :)

Thank God for giving me a PASS for this supp paper......
Thank God for providing so many angels around me when i need comfort and support......
Thank God for everything......
Thank you all my beloved friends!!! ^^

Monday, July 26, 2010


成绩啊成绩,你到底几时要出?我从星期5一考完试就一直在等你了!!!刚刚一起身,第一件做的事就是去check成绩!可是还没有出,很担心啊!不知道考得怎么样 >"<

就连刚刚要来自己的b部落格时,都不知不觉上到学校oasis的网页!啊~~~救命!好想知道自己考得好不好...可是又害怕自己考不好 :(


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thought of the Day

"Apologizing doesn't always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your damn ego."

Thursday, July 22, 2010


accidentally found this song and i'm so in love with it now. gonna song lead this when i have chance in my next singspiration session!! he he he he~~ it's also a very encouraging song!! i found this in the middle of my study! i believe that God will give me strength to conquer all these problems!! thank you Lord!! :)


Monday, July 19, 2010

so sien leh. everyone's having holidays while i still have to prepare for my supp paper due on friday 10am. lol. sigh, nvm lar, as long as i pass this exam then i'm happy. God please help me~ and please pray for me too :)

wanted to change my desktop background just now. was trying to look for a photo of me and mum together. but sadly, i realised that i haven't been taking much photos with mum lately! i really miss her so so much! :( while looking through those photos, even though only a few, "water" started to come out of my eyes uncontrollably again. sigh.. how i wish she is just right beside me now! so that i can hug her tight tight~ :(

i guess i will have to get used to this kinda life from now on. as my brother's married in kuching, plus my nephew will be coming into our family shortly, means my mum will have to help out in taking care of him maybe?? so she won't be in perth with me for the whole year long like how she used to be anymore! *sobs* sigh, i'm really a mummy girl ey? hahaha.. still can't live without mum :( can't wait till december to go back and see mum!! hehe..

I pray that God will be with me, give me strength so that I can be tough and strong! and be more independent!! God may You also be with my mum while she's in kuching, give her good health and happiness everyday. May You guide our relationship even though we are far apart. pray all these in Jesus name, Amen!



Thursday, July 15, 2010


我真的很想念这个人。虽然在一起的时候总是斗嘴,惹他生气。可是心里清楚知道他是多么的疼爱我!那个人就是我最亲爱的妈妈啦!!昨晚跟他通电话的时候,聊了很多,眼泪也鸡婆地流了出来 =.=

妈妈人现在在民都鲁的了,准备参加拔凯的婚礼~ 刚刚Albert Ting还要特地msg我,告诉我我妈妈在民都鲁了,还要5个人去接载他!好大牌哦!朋友们!干得好!好好招待黄妈妈哦!不然你们就惨了!(这里指的是拔凯,Albert Ting和Nancy Goh!!!) 哈哈~ 你们真好,有婚礼可以参加,我真的很想去好好的整整新郎!出很多很多的难题给兄弟团~ 嘿嘿~ 不过没关系啦~ 明天就是老板(我平常都喜欢称拔凯为老板~)的重大日子了!想必他应该是很紧张又兴奋又期待的咯!愿神掌管他们的婚礼,一切都顺顺利利~ ^^

今天突然阿姨不请自来,登门造访,还得我一整天肚子都很不舒服。由于今天在post office做工的时候,站了一整天,现在的肚子更痛了!酸酸的!唉~女人真命苦,没受伤却还要承受疼痛。男人们呀,你们可要好好地疼惜你们身边的女人们哦!知道吗!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~


Monday, July 12, 2010

Youth Camp 07/07 - 10/07


印象最深刻的是spiritual training的时候,有一站是要我们想象如果我们的生命只剩下最后一刻,我们想要和谁说话,说些什么?都写在一张白纸上。写好了以后,就要到另外一个地方,牧师为我们准备了一个类似棺材的东西。当牧师问我:你准备好了没有?那一刻,我心里有很多的问号和挣扎,我知道我还有很多事情还没有做。在躺进去的那一刻,眼泪不禁夺眶而流,我不断祈求上帝的原谅,我没有脸见上帝,因为在我活着的日子里,没有好好的来为主而活,没有做好基督徒的本分。而我最最最遗憾的事情就是还没有带领我家人来信主。如果我真的死了,就代表我永远和他们分开了。祈求上帝自己感动他们,让他们接受主,这样我们以后必定会在天国相聚的。幸好这一切都不是真的。求神帮助,希望他带领我,使用我来改变我的家人,改变我身边的每一个人 :)


Sunday, July 4, 2010

今天获益良多!! ^^



很期待8月的布道会!可惜我家妈妈没有机会出席了!唉~ 希望会有人录制CD!嘿嘿~~

期待下个礼拜的练唱了!呼呼~~~ XD

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Take Care!




永远的祝福~ :)