Friday, September 17, 2010




从星期三就开始“庆祝”我的生日了!星期三和几个很要好的朋友们(jojo, kitty, colin, pam)和alvin去ciao italia吃我最喜欢的意大利餐~ yum yum~~ ^-^

星期四和教会的几个好朋友(pakkai, lilian and their "partner" XD)在sinabro吃韩国餐~然后就和一群朋友(too many to list :D)在formosa喝bbt切蛋糕咯~ 还没过12点,我就得回家然后和baby一起去机场接爸爸大人了~ 接了爸爸后,爸爸在车上牵着我的手唱生日歌给我听噢~ 几感动下的咯~

今年的生日,有许多事情让我流泪,第一次在生日的时候流泪,而且是流很多泪!真的很难忘啊!看到我朋友写给我的生日卡片的时候,哭了;妈妈打电话过来唱生日 歌给我听的时候,哭了;看到朋友透过信息传送的祝福时,又哭了!或许今年少了妈妈和姐姐在这里,有些想念他们,即使有许多朋友们一起庆祝,不过回到家里的 感觉始终不一样!超想念他们的!

不过!!!今年有爸爸在这里陪我度过!爸爸亲自为我下厨!好久没有吃过那么好吃的家常便饭了!爸爸在厨房 的每一幕都深深地刻在我的心里!那时候的自己真的觉得自己是世界上最幸福的女孩了,有特地从古晋过来珀斯为女儿庆祝生日的爸爸~ 身为老板的爸爸,为了我下厨!哈哈!好感动~~~ 还为我solo了一段生日快乐歌哦!我二姐有录起来,在不久的将来应该会被post在面子书上吧。请大家敬请期待~~~ 在那一刻之后,我就决定要更努力读书!!好好孝顺爸爸和妈妈~ 不要让他们伤心和担心了!加油啊黄诗傧!^^

由于blogspot upload相片的速度比较慢,所以我会把照片放在我的面子书上!想看的朋友们就到那里去看一看,留留言吧~ 在这里就附上一张在我心目中最帅最man最伟大的男人吧~~~ XD (后面是我的捣蛋鬼二姐=.=)

在我以为我的生日就要来到尾声的时候,突然我的好朋友kitty来了一通电话,叫我去开开门,大门一打开,在我眼前的是点着蜡烛的蛋糕还有jojo,kitty,cookie各自拿着两根“烟花”?(不知道中文是什么,知道的人请指教!不过在福州话是qi li hua~~ ^^)然后大家就开始唱生日歌了!那时候的我,真的很惊讶,笑得合不拢嘴呢!我以为他们真的忘记我的生日了!因为他们一整天都没有找我!害我自己一个人在那里乱失望和难过!但是过后真的有感动到,有开心到哟!!hehe~


今年的生日最然留了很多泪,因为感动,难过和思念~ 不过还是画下了完美的句点!记得有一位朋友告诉我:20岁不算老,那只是我生命的开始!我也同意他这句话。因为在我的人生旅途中,还有许多的事情我还要去学习和面对的!在这里与大家再次分享我很喜欢的一句话,出自于塞尔斯:



the content will just be as simple as the title shown:


i had no choice but to say bye to ONE and officially stepped into the first TWO of my life! :O

still remembered last year's birthday, the moment when i turned 19, everyone didn't really wish me happy birthday but instead, they said farewell to my 18 forever! haha! such nice friendsss..

anyway, just a short post to remember this important date for me! and maybe for some people too? lol!! will update more later about my birthday hehe!

thanks to everyone who has sent/ is sending/ yet to send their birthday greetings to me! my facebook wall is probably flooded by all my friends already. haha! thank you all so much! some of the messages are quite touching :*) your blessings are mostly appreciated by sandy wong! :)

and i shall enjoy the rest of my birthday :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Verse of the day :)

"You are jealous for what other have, and you can't possess it, so you fight and quarrel to take it away from them. And yet the reason you don't have what you want is that you don't ask God for it. And even when you do ask, you don't get it because your whole motive is wrong - you want only what will give you pleasure"
James 4:2-3

Monday, September 13, 2010

plans next week

everything was all well planned for next week, an important week of mine!

wednesday dinner at ciao italia with my bestest friends always..
thursday dinner at sinabro with my problems consultants (haha!! they are who i always go to when i have problems :b) then formosa with my church friends!
finally friday, the exact date, important date with a special someone, our first birthday celebration together! everyone was so good until.......

last night when baby told me that dad is coming over on the 16th of september midnight! he wanted to come over to celebrate me and my sister's birthday! how thoughtful!? and it's a very sweet thing that a father can do for his daughters i know.... but somehow i feel disappointed la.. sien.... friday night has to be cancelled for dad :'(

must 好好敲诈 my father for a posh dinner, well that's the only good thing i can be happy about now :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

random to the max ._.

唉~ 最近很懒惰更新,可是不想要人家一click进我的blog就看到那壶黄黄的东西,所以就随便更一更新下~ 哈哈!

最近看完了一套连续剧。。。 叫作谈情说案!哇~真的很好看!而且林峰真的不是开玩笑的帅啊~~ (不好意思,又在耍花痴了=.=) 现在正在看秋香怒点唐伯虎!超好笑的!ohno~ 我又不小心跌入连续剧的诱惑当中了!明天就开学了!功课还没动过,考试还没动过,连我的file都没动过!舒舒服服地躺在我的桌子上!>.<
