I was reading a mail titled: how to get rid of ants, mosquitoes and cockroaches in the library while waiting for my next class at 11am with pam.
I found it quite interesting so i decided to share it with pam. okay, the conversation went like this:
sandy: ey check this out! how to get rid if ants, mosquitoes and cockroaches without having to kill them!
pam: slowly gets closer to my computer and read the email from my screen
sandy continued: Ants don't like sour things, mosquitoes don't like spices and cockroaches don't like fragrant things. 螞蟻怕酸,蚊子怕辣,蟑螂怕香
pam: oh.. so cockroaches dont like me
sandy: =o=" then mosquitoes don't like me...
pam: stared at me with uncertainty
sandy: 因为蚊子怕辣
both of us burst into laughters! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA :D
ahahahaha! good on ya!! xddd