Saturday, January 22, 2011


黄梨酥的制作过程~ :D

pineapple paste cooking in progress.....

after 59 mins 59 secs 59 millisecs...

individual pineapple paste...

pineapple tarts ready for my stomach!! wahaha....

round pineapple tarts baking in progress....

round pineapple tarts ready for the oven...

姜姜~~ all done for new year!!!

花了一整天的时间!!啊...... 好累!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


今天在家一整天~ 做了几种东西!!哈哈!


我的早餐加午餐!! 好吃ooo!!


花生饼!可爱吧?这一tray是我做的!hoho.. 很有成就感的一天!放进oven咯~

妈妈说很想小小的nen nen在oven里面 =.= (没力!!) 不过还真的有点像hor?

然后就是我爱的 jia lok!!! 可以媲美 sibu aloha 的了!:b

花生饼配 jia lok... hmmm.. 还不错!



PHEW~ today is a day worth writing! :D

went to a few different places today with the same person - dinah lau! (: except for the dentist this morning! i am very happy because of my healthy teeth and healthy gum! all these teeth brushing hard work done every morning and every night had been paid off! hehe! i used to hate dental check ups every year because i was always been told that i have decayed teeth and need to be back for fillings after check up! urgh.. i hate fillings!! but now, i don't mind going to the dentist to get a professional reassurance on my healthy teeth! hiak hiak hiak~ (proud already LOL!)

went to sushi king for lunch after dentist! guess what? three of us ate RM106.55! are we really big eaters? or the food is just simply costy? @.@ (note: the three of us are the three on the right!)

time to have some excitement after lunch! dinah and i went to have hepatitis B antibody injection!

it was damn painful okay! no jokes! i can still feel the pain in my left arm when i try to stretch it! and damn! i still have 2 more injections to go! one after 7 days and another one after 21 days! oh my mama~ pay money to suffer!! =.=

after some excitement, it's time for some shoppings! dinah brought me to the newly opened shopping centre located in jalan song area which i had never been before! it's called the wang jaya, if i've spelt it correctly. hehe. alot of pretty clothes but they are either too short or they look funny on a tall person like me. sigh! it's a headache trying to find suitable clothes (considering nice looks and nice price la of course!) for me in kuching! haha!

and then.... rasa rasa roti canai! which dinah and i have been craving since last night! went there the third time and finally! we got to eat the roti canai there! i ordered iced lychee tea and roti susu~ they are both my favourite!!!

finally, some relaxation after a long day! we went for massage at Borneo located at 101. unfortunately my massager today isn't very pro! a bit disappointed lo! and couldnt really enjoy due to my painful left arm :(

and not forgetting my supper too! yumyum bambini and hot mocha at the bing! :) thanks dinah jiejie for the day! hehehehe....

the rest of my night will just be facebooking, blogging and sleeping (maybe dreaming too!)

good night eh ve li wan~ (phew... the longest post ever! haha!)

Sunday, January 16, 2011



自从我回来古晋后,我几乎每一天都不知道是星期几。今天终于知道了!因为今天有去崇拜!回来几个礼拜,就有几个礼拜没去崇拜!惭愧!原来一个人离开了原本习惯或舒适的环境后,是会改变的!在perth每个礼拜都准时地去崇拜和团契。而且如果哪天因为突发状况而不能去,一整天都会觉得怪怪的。可是一回来后。。。。。。。唉~ 被魔鬼引诱了!天父请原谅我!!!


这就是好吃的虾面~ 好怀念哦!

之后就陪母亲大人去办点年货咯!家里新年的东西一件都没有!今天充当司机兼搬货员~ 结果还被complain说为什么要找一个不懂路的人来当司机 =.=" 我承认我是个路痴,但是对一年才回来驾那么几次车的人,已经算很好了hor!(讲得有点心虚 =.=")

每到雨季,就不免有几声咳,喉咙也不免有些疼痛!早上崇拜唱歌的时候,都不自主的咳了几下。唉~ 那么巧唱我喜欢的诗歌eh!:( 希望新年的时侯能够完全康复吧~

(还有13天 还有13天~ 好期待....)

heart talk



但是 却偏偏控制不住话从嘴里涌出来



很烦 很累


但是 我渡不过自己



Wednesday, January 12, 2011







好久好久没有好好update我的部落格了. 回来马来西亚那么久, 本来已经很懒惰的我, 变得越来越兰多了! 哈哈!

虽然我很早就回来了, 但是在期间我还去了新加坡和香港旅游! 嗯, 跟一群朋友玩在一起还真的是蛮愉快的哦! 尤其是睡一间房间的! 我永远都不会忘记这一次的假期的!

香港回来不久后, 还去了诗巫哦! 主要是因为哥哥要回去做工, 我大嫂要带我家的小宝宝回去看外婆~ 所以我就乘机跟去咯! 不过才去了两天而已!! 不够不够啦! 一直到现在还有一种很想念诗巫的感觉, 虽然我现在不住诗巫, 但是只要每次一回去, 还是会给我已重很亲切的感觉! 面对那些一年才能聚一次的表姐和堂姐们, 唉~ 真的会很想念他们咯! 虽然很少见面, 但是只要每次一见面, 还是会有说不完的话题! hehe.. 期待下一次的重逢哦!

回来几个礼拜, 我就没有去崇拜几个礼拜了! 救命啊! 不知道为什么每次总是去不成! 这个礼拜一定要去了! 老大 (Lai, 2010) 对不起哦! 请你原谅我, 继续与我同在, 好吗? hehe..

回来几天, 我们也没见面了几天. 原来距离真的是很可怕的一种东西! Can't wait to see you!!!!