Thursday, May 20, 2010

how to keep fit in winter??? T.T

Many of you have probably noticed that the feeling of hunger greatly increases with cold weather. As winter is around the corner, we constantly want to eat. well, at least i constantly want to eat, esp at this hour at night when i'm still awake in front of the computer! sighhh... recently i feel like my stomach has a hole which i can never fulfill it with tonnes and tonnes of food!!! grrr.. besides, i feel like eating all sorts of fatty food, esp cheesey stuffs and CHOCOLATES!! >.< nooo~~ lol... okay. here are some tips from the website:

First of all, learn a few rules. The first rule is to eat food rich in nutrients, but the dishes do not necessarily have to be fatty. For example, instead of bakery you can eat some porridge. The benefit is the same, but you get fewer calories. (but it's impossible to eat porridge without anything right? so when we eat porridge, we'll be eating things like 五香肉 which as a consequence fattening too! LOL! )

The second rule is to divide your ration properly. It means that you should not load up with a meal, eat more frequently but small portions, so that the intervals between meals are at least 4 hours. (okay... how am i suppose to get food when i'm in the middle of lecture? and it's hard to find healthy and non-fattening food in uni. if u manage to find some, they are never satisfying! which means u'll eat more and more and more.......)

Well, the third rule is to make a menu. Eat more fruits and vegetables, in the extreme case take dried fruit. Drink more green tea and less coffee, because a caffeine promotes deposition of fat. Eat soups, they are not so fat and give a feeling of satiety. (hmm.. but those stuffs dont give u the feeling of satisfaction after eating do they? lol.. and drinking caffeine is helpful only if that is WITHOUT any sugar or milk... =.= )

sigh.. this is just too hard.. so just continue to EAT and EAT and EAT!!! but remember to MOVE and MOVE and MOVE... movement is life!! if u want to eat more, then u gotta move more.. lol.. as simple as that! okay this is a boring post :b


  1. i constantly feeling hungry for all 4 seasons eh..anytime these tips did not help me at all. if they did, then i will b skinny like a stick by now lo~~~~~ hhaa~ u're a stick already la~ still worry about weight gaining?! then wat should i do?! i should dig a hole, lie myself in there and cover up myself........==

  2. me too.. me too.. 4 seasons..
    but i eat still won't get fat.. hehe..
    both good and bad..
    anyway.. 吃是福

  3. hw pity are u.. get confusing???

    since u wake up, u start move ady, even it is a small action or movement, it still consider as move ok??

    like when u wake, and u stretch urself, even when u open ur eyes, also consider as move, right??

    so, no need to say the next again, think u got what i mean, haha!!

    LAST BUT NOT LEAST, due to the last five words there, so i got this comment~~ wahahaha!! XD

  4. caterpillar!!! it's good to hide urself o!!! then when u come out u will turn into a butterfly le~~~~~ wooo~~~ XD how pretty?!!

    apa la u HH WONG!!! this is a boring comment oso lo =.=" cold....

  5. ya, but the problem is i hide in the ground le. soil too heavy for me.... i cldn't come out!! can turn in to skeleton la~ butterfly? never..hahah~ caterpillar got skeleton???? XD

  6. yalo.. catepillar got skeleton meh? u ben ben de caterpillar la.. forgot that they dont hav a brain too =.=" hahaha!!

  7. u laugh me no brain?! T^T
    no brain means pure, 天真ke ai~ wuahahah~ ==''

  8. =.= *VOMIT!! hahaha.. yala 天真可爱~~ lol..
