Thursday, May 27, 2010

Uni Life

i found this farneee post on my sister's blog! and this is the edited version :D

我那不懂得以身作则且可爱又白痴的妹妹 (=.= this is obviously her post title...)

Preface: firstly, she called me while i was busy discussing about my lab report with my friends in building 400. "eh where are you? i'm bored. i go find u. so hungry..." okay.. this is already unusual enough that she will look for me in uni. but i'm very happy la. HAHAHA!! then we went to the bookmark cafe outside the library to get some food. she was eating chicken sausage and i was having a small tub of yoghurt ^^ and here goes the lame part of our conversation during our eating progress.........

Sandy: 快点吃咯!要上课了咯!等下上课不懂可以带进去吃吗哦...
Baby: ...
Sandy: 上课可以吃吗?
Baby: 等下我去问上课。 “上课啊, 你可以吃吗?”
Sandy: ... 哇很冷呜~~~ =.="
Baby: LAUGH OUT LOUD in the library cafe! HAHAHHAHA...

and below is a conversation between us before i depart uni for home sweet home ^-^

obviously the green chat bubble is her and the white is me. she always act cool when she reply sms lo =.= then somehow i found her reply kinda funny becoz firstly she's actually telling me something is fat and not to have it?? @@" and secondly she cares about my eye...!! woo~ ^^ sweet right?? okla, i'm an easily touched person :b and please do not juz ignore my sms all the time will you??!!! grrrr... it's okay... your understanding and loving sister will still love you~~ muacks ♥♥♥ (eh?? abit disgusting.. HAHAA!!)

LAST BUT NOT LEAST...... thank you everyone for praying for me!!!! much appreciated!! was kinda touched when i received sms from frens caring about my eyes lo.. thank God for having all of you in my life.... love always~~ :)


  1. i'll take all that as a compliment OKAY?!

  2. u mean the acting cool part?? ohno~!! =.="

  3. haha that is Baby WOng cool style.!!and this post really funny...lolzz

  4. stupid ant crawling on my blog???
